While I was working on a project at work I needed to have " table of contents"
type of numbering in an <ol>
but I wanted the numbers to be nested too like 1.
, 1.1, 1.2, etc... which is not possible in HTML. And I remembered that I have
faced this problem before & I solved it using
CSS Counters
and since I use Sass now to write CSS. I thought about
creating a @mixin
for this. So here you go: _ Thanks for
cimmanon on Stackoverflow
for helping me with this_
@mixin auto-numbers($numbered-element, $sep, $counter: item, $nested-parent: false ){
$sel: ();
@if $nested-parent {
$sel: append($sel, unquote($nested-parent));
list-style: none;
margin-left: 0;
$sel: append($sel, unquote('&'), comma);
counter-reset: #{$counter};
> #{$numbered-element}{
counter-increment: #{$counter};
content: if($nested-parent, counters(#{$counter}, "#{$sep} ") "#{$sep} ", counter(#{$counter}) "#{$sep} ") ;
The @mixin
takes four arguments & must be called on the parent element:
The element that you wanted to counted, in my case it was an
it can be anything.
s the seprator sign you want to use Must be a string
ounter name, if you are using the @mixin
more than once you must
change the name for each one so it won't reset the counter before it.
assing the name of the parent element if you wanted to work in
a nested way like a <ol>
or <ul>
inside another <ol>
or <ul>
here is a demo of the mixin in action
See the Pen{' '} SASS MIXIN FOR AUTO-NUMBERING WITH CSS by Ahmed El Gabri (@ahmedelgabri) on CodePen.
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